MOD 茂田 | 歌诗达意式邮轮-在这里让彼此的心更靠近

分类栏目:用户体验 - 视觉设计


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Nowadays, the young generations take most of the time on work and gradually being absent-minded, ignored the closest family. How we could be real together with family in mind, but not only the body?  This time, Costa and Ogilvy Shanghai worked with MOD production team, create a genuine whole family journey across the sea. In another space, what kind of a pleasant time we would have, during the cruise trip?


为了体现这次Costa 赛琳娜号充满异国的穿越之行,MOD茂田制作团队邀请了意大利导演Marco和Giovanni来拍摄这条片子,也正好与Costa意式游轮不谋而合。为了达到完美的效果,制片团队找了近几十个场地用于拍摄前期在家中的画面,导演也提前从意大利飞来和我们一一去各个场地实地勘查讨论。

To reflect the exotic journey of the Costa Serena, the MOD team has invited Italian director Marco and Giovanni to this film, which coincides with the Costa’s Italian cruise line. In order to achieve perfection, the production team has been looking for a few dozen places to film the home scene, and the directors has flown ahead of schedule from Italy and we’ve gone to scout one by one.



In pursuit of the most extreme images and the special customs brought by the film, the art and props teacher has done a lot of hard work. Because this film was taken on a cruise ship at sea abroad, it was a great challenge for preparation. Apart from the shooting day in Shanghai, there are several indoor scenes, for example restaurant, ball room, the theatre, and locations on deck.



How to avoid disturbing other tourists to the greatest extent is also one of the problems to be solved in this shooting. Shoot every night we will end with the ship, head of the meeting tomorrow to decide where to shoot again,  the producer Daqi even if a sprained ankle, but still insist on standing at the scene of the shooting and coordinate as a whole.


海上的暴晒、大风对我们也同样是个挑战。道具组在足球上穿上鱼线来保证它不会落入海中,因为有不少戏是在船的甲板上,所有制作团队的人嘴唇都干裂爆皮,有的甚至开裂流血,尤其是演员们穿着极少的球服,天没亮就开始吹海风。斑马的扮演者, 脖子上要承受十几斤的头套负荷,而且只有身材娇小的女生才能穿进这套衣服。

The sun and wind at sea are also a challenge for us. The prop team put fish line on the football to make sure it would not fall into the sea, because there were a lot of scenes on the deck. All the people in the production team had dry, cracked and bleeding lips, especially the talents, standing in the wind with football uniform. The girl who played the role as zebra, she is tiny enough to fit the customed cloth, but heavy headgear.



On the last shooting day,  we found it was the little boy talent’s birthday, we prepared a big birthday cake for him quietly, and the clients send the Juventus football as a gift.

团队介绍 Team Members

客户 Clients: Costa 歌诗达邮轮

代理商 Agency:Ogilvy 奥美上海

制作公司 Production House: MOD 茂田

导演 Director:Bellone + Consonni

摄影师 DOP: Wouter Westendorp

Trinity DOP: Lucano Jr

副导演 AD:姚卓 Anthony

监制 EP: 彭利健 Temple

制片 Producer: 陈奇

美术 Art Director: Amily

剪辑 Editor:Craft Creations

调色 TC:Craft Creations

精剪 Online:Craft Creations

作曲 Music:Smider

混音 Mix:Sync