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The Most Metal Scratch-Off

Black Titanium 是 New York Lottery(纽约乐透)的一款刮刮乐游戏。为了吸引更多客户,New York Lottery 邀请广告代理商 McCan(麦肯)在这款游戏上做些文章。

团队认为比起乐透游戏,Black Titanium 听起来更像是一个重金属乐队的名字。于是他们和 JMS Music 合作,将 Black Titanium 包装成一支假乐队,并将其与一张假的迷你专辑一起发布在音乐流服务平台 Spotify 上。


歌曲《Hot Cash》MV

听众通过真实的 Spotify 艺人信息或是弹出的神秘社交帖被吸引到这个假乐队的信息界面。当听众进入乐队页面时,他们就会发现“Black Titanium”其实根本不是一个乐队,而且这些歌曲也不是真正的歌曲,是介绍 Black Titanium 这个游戏的音乐广告《Hot Cash》。

《Hot Cash》歌词

It ain’t a 7 or an 8 or a 9
it ain’t a hundred or a thousand this time
We took a million then a million then a million again
Then 8 more million to make it all 10 
Hot cash
10 million whole winning combination gets you that kinda dough
Hot cash
All yours to own aiming for the taking.
It is a full treasure trove.
Going to 10 out of 25 tries
deep concentration with you eyes on the prize
There are still be a winner without a full match
But you aim for the stars with every scratch
Hot cash
10 million whole winning combination gets you that kinda dough
aiming for bring it on home
Hot cash
10 million whole winning combination gets you that kinda dough
Hot cash
All yours to own, aiming for the taking.
It is a full treasure trove.
Hot cash
Hot cash
Hot cash