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One Story Away

作为全球领先的流媒体娱乐平台,Netflix 于近日在27个国家的平台释出了新的品牌广告片《One Story Away》。短片画面以一个红色视频进度条作为视觉链接,呈现了近年多部具有代表性的 Netflix 原创作品的片段,包括《婚姻故事》、《怪奇物语》、《性教育》等。

品牌副总裁Eric Pallotta表示:”故事是强大的。观看故事给我们带来了各种不同的情绪和从未见过的视角,甚至让彼此感到更亲近。”Netflix 旨在通过这条短片让观众体会到品牌的核心价值观:汇集全球创作者对于讲故事的热情,用一个好故事,拉近所有人的心。


Here you are
the beginning.


Your first step into the unknown
Maybe you do not know what it is like
To be the most powerful person in the room


Or the most wanted person on the planet
Maybe you do not know what it takes to lead a team
carry a dream,
to be the Pope or the other Pope
Maybe you do not know how it feels
to have your love revealed…
learn about love for the first time
or to learn to love yourself
maybe you do not know what it is like to live life behind bars
for a crime you did not commit


Or how it feels to lose your world
flip your world
guard the world
or run the world
Sure, there is a lot you may not know,
but that is exactly what makes a story worth watching.
Because in the end
we are only one story away.


Because in the end
we are only one story away.

除了投放本土化配音的在线视频,“One Story Away”还将涉及多伦多、伦敦和东京等城市的户外广告牌的投放。

Campaign 部分视觉



Client: Netflix
Agency: AKQA
Strategy: AKQA & Ricebowl Strategy
Production: Stink
Sound: Wave
Music: Andy and Robert from Manchester Orchestra